In these articles, Emily Swann and Spencer Watts will interview the senior soccer, field hockey, and cross country participates. Once every 3 days, one of us will post an interview with a senior from a fall sport.
This interview was done by Spencer. He interviewed soccer player Nathan Barnhart.

Question 1: What is your favorite part about playing soccer?
Answer: I love being out there with my friends (family). Plus it just brings me joy. I’m able to clear my mind and do the thing that I love the most.
Question 2: What will you miss most about playing soccer for Greenwood?
Answer: I will definitely miss the cheering of the JV team on the bench and the student section cheering. Also will really miss the positive atmosphere.
Question 3: What is your favorite memory of playing for the Wildcats?
Answer: My favorite memory would have to be winning the league and going undefeated this season as my senior year.
Question 5: What is your favorite quote from anyone on the team?
Answer: “Rinky dink dink” Coach Bryner.
Question 6: What advice can you give to underclassmen players to succeed in the future?
Answer: Go and work hard at every practice. Never get on your team in a negative way, be positive and help each other out. Also leave it all on the field during every game. You never know when it could be your last.