**Disclaimer: This article does not reflect the opinions of Greenwood School District or the PawPrint. Some topics of this article may be sensitive.**

This month, I had the pleasure of interviewing Cindy Mansberger, the Executive Director of Crossroads Pregnancy Center (CPC). Cindy has been with Crossroads for 16 years. She started as a Client Services Director for 4 years then was promoted to Executive Director.
Question 1: What does Crossroads Pregnancy Center do?
The Center is a 501c3 not-for-profit Christian ministry providing free services to our clients. We serve the Mifflin/Juniata and Huntingdon County areas. The website for our clients is www.crossroadspcs.org. Our services are:
Medical Clinic: Our medical clinic offers these services in Lewistown and Huntingdon, one day a week in each location and consists of three components; Pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound to diagnose intrauterine viable pregnancy, and STD testing and treatment for Chlamydia.
Bridges Program: One on one educational classes on various topics related to pregnancy, child care and/or relationship building. The completed classes are exchanged for material needs such as a new crib, diapers, baby clothes, etc.
Sexual Integrity Program: Education (one on one) with individual clients (or couples) to help clients understand the benefits of living a life of sexual integrity. Resources used in teaching provide increased self-esteem to our clients as we help them understand their value and worth.
Abortion Recovery: Because 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion, we realize there are many women who have been adversely affected by a past abortion experience. CPC is always ready to provide post-abortion healing, without judgment or condemnation, to help these women find forgiveness and healing.
Men’s Ministry: CPC has put into place some resources for new fathers and male mentors for them to talk to.
Reaching Destinations: Our Sexual Risk Avoidance Program to help young people reach their fullest potential in life with fewer regrets by avoiding sexual risks that are found outside of marriage. To accomplish this missions we: Teach students in public and private schools to have healthy relationships and postpone sexual activity until marriage, Equip parents to train their children is SRA based relationship education, sponsor community events that will strengthen the cultural for living life with sexual integrity.
Question 2: What is Crossroads view on abortion?
We believe in the sanctity of human life and therefore we do not refer for abortion, but educate women on the options for their pregnancy. We believe no woman should ever feel so alone and unsupported that abortion seems to be her only answer. Our missions is to provide Christ centered counseling and educational services with regard to abortion alternatives, pregnancy, post abortion healing, parenting and sexual integrity empowering individuals to make choices that cherish every human life.
Question 3: If someone asked you if abortion was ok if it was due to rape, what do you answer?
Rape is a horrible crime, and the perpetrator should be punished to the full extent of the law. Surveys show that only 5% of rape victims who are of childbearing age become pregnant. But to say abortion is an acceptable response to a pregnancy conceived during rape is to undermine the belief that every life created by God is valuable. However, for women who have experienced rape, extra care and support is needed to overcome the trauma. In many cases, the emotional effects of rape (anger, depressions, and guilt) are also experienced after an abortion. So in those cases, abortion becomes the second act of violence affecting the woman. There are many positive stories from mothers who chose to parent in those circumstances as well as testimonies from children conceived in rape that confirm that beauty can come from choosing life, even in the hard cases.
Question 4:
What can Crossroads do for teens that have become pregnant to help them through until birth?
The staff of Crossroads can help teens in unplanned pregnancy at a time where everything might seem very unsure by offering caring support, medical confirmations of pregnancy through ultrasound, parenting and relationship education and provide material needs like cribs, car seats, diapers, etc… all confidentially and free of cost. We understand that they are at a ¨crossroads¨ in their life and just need someone who can listen to their concerns, hurts and fears while helping to point them in the right directions. We meet with them as long as they need us, in some case throughout the pregnancy and until the child is 2 years old.
Question 5: How can others get involved in supporting Crossroads and what they strive to do?
We ask people of faith to pray for us as we reach out to help others in need. Financial giving keeps us going. We receive no Federal or State funds. All of our revenue comes from area churches, individuals and businesses of our communities. Also the local United Ways. Donations can be sent to us at Crossroads Pregnancy Center 1130 W 4th Street Lewistown, PA 17044. We also have several ways people can volunteer:
Application Required Positions:
Client Advocate
Board Member
Advisory Committee
Volunteer Abstinence Speaker for Reaching Destinations
General Positions
Church Liaison
Intercessory Prayer Team
Baby Boutique Organizer
Cleaning Volunteer
Volunteer to help prepare monthly newsletter
Fundraising/Event Helper, Hospitality Volunteer
OR sharing any of the gifts and talents you may have that can help!
I want to personally thank Cindy for letting me interview her. If you have any questions other questions, you can email her at director@cpcforlife.org.