Every family has their own traditions during the holidays. Many families watch the Thanksgiving football games, or the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, or just sit around a living room socializing and playing some old-fashioned board games.
I’m sure you have many of your own traditions, but have you ever wondered what the people around you do with their families on Thanksgiving? That’s the question I asked the people around me. What is your favorite Thanksgiving family tradition? Here are the answers that I received.
Emily Swann: Watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Ashlin Bucher: For appetizers, our family has french fries and deep-fried stuffing.
Emily Hixson: Gathering with my family at my Pop Pop's House for a meal, and then taking a walk around the neighborhood.
Riley Danko: Playing field hockey in a tournament over Thanksgiving in Virginia.
Mikayla Feltman: Eating all the mashed potatoes, and then going into the living room to talk and fight.
Anonymous: I decorate for Christmas.
Leah Sheaffer: Having the whole fam home and getting to spend time with them.
Anonymous: Going to one of my grandparent's houses and spending time with family and seeing relatives who live far away.
Jenna Seaman: Taking a big nap after eating lunch.
Noah Seaman: Eating lots of food.
Anonymous: Getting together for Turkey with family!
Gregory Donato: Watching the Bee Movie.
Gretta Nulton: Normally my family and I all go pick out our Christmas tree together on Thanksgiving.
Anonymous: Making 10 pounds of mashed potatoes.
Steven Watts: Watching thanksgiving day football
Abby Sproull: Playing board games with my Great Aunt.
Mia Davis: Playing board games with the family.
Sophia Jezewski: Making fun of Ethan
Kylie Cameron: We always go to my grandparents to eat dinner and usually the day after we go pick out a Christmas tree.
Paityn Wirth: The presence of everyone together
Anonymous: The day after Thanksgiving we usually decorate for Christmas.
Anonymous: We are starting a new tradition of having Thanksgiving at our house.
Amiah Barner: I like eating stuffing and mashed potatoes.
Katie Sheaffer: My favorite Thanksgiving traditions are sleeping, hanging with my family, and breaking the wishbone at my aunts house when cooking the turkey and the chicken.

These are all very fun traditions. My favorite has to be watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and then going to my grandparents house for turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and fruit salad. Then we play lots and lots of board games.
Whatever your favorite traditions are, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving with their friends and family.