It's that time of year, where the season is full of joy and happiness. Whether its spending time with family, baking and eating good food, or something so simple like curling up beside the fireplace; there is so much to be thankful for and cherish as we live our hectic lives. It’s time to take this joyous spirit within you and spread it out into the world. Here are some different ways to give back; whether it's to your family and friends, your community, or even to the Earth.
1. Find a Cause you Care About

First things first, if you’re having trouble finding out how you want to help, its good to discover what you are truly passionate about. It can be challenging to find volunteer/charity options that are close to home and convenient. That’s where Volunteer Match (https://www.volunteermatch.org/) comes in—it’s like an job search site for volunteers, with more than 100,000 participating charities. Whether you’re looking to work with kids, support the arts, or help the elderly, sign up and get in touch with a nearby nonprofit that needs your help. But all things considered, DO RESEARCH!! Get out there and find what you care about! It can be eye-opening.
2. Toys for Tots

If you have a few extra dollars to spend, buying gifts for kids who might not receive any is a fantastic way to give back. With Toys for Tots, you just drop off a couple of new, unopened toys to a donation location. There are also a lot of other options for giving gifts to children this holiday season. See what's available around where you live. You can even go on your own route and deliver gifts to children who you know are in need.
3. Reach out to the Homeless

It can be shocking to find out how many individuals are homeless in your community. But you can make a difference in people’s lives. When you’re homeless, the holidays can be an especially lonely time even though you might be surrounded by other people. Helping to serve dinner, talking and chatting with the homeless is a fantastic way to give back and to make someone’s day. Sometimes a simple smile is the best gift you can give someone.
4. Comfort the Elderly

One group of people who can easily be forgotten during the holidays is the elderly, especially those who may not have close relatives. If you have a neighbor or church member like this, take them a holiday plate, help them decorate their home, or just give special card. This can be so special and meaningful for anybody, all we need is a little company and comfort to feel important.
5. Go Caroling

Ok, ok I know. It sounds silly and outdated. But who cares? Caroling is a past time that most people don’t do anymore, but for the members of your church, the local nursing home or senior center, or any other place that people might be a bit down it is an awesome way to spread some holiday cheer. Gather a group of your friends and family together and start singing!
6. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This season is no doubt the most hectic and busy for shopping. But have you ever stopped to think about the waste you could be contributing to? Those plastic shopping bags have to be trashed somewhere, and they keep piling up. Try to reduce this waste by simply switching to reusable bags! They are super affordable and are a great way to show your love to the Earth.