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A march for what?!


The opinions expressed in this do not represent our whole school, nor are they to offend anybody.

As most of you have noticed on Wednesday March 14, our school participated in the March for our Lives walkout. Throughout this week I interviewed several student that either did or didn’t participate and got their opinions on topics concerning the walkout.

Question #1- Where do you stand/What is your opinion on the what the walk out represents?

  • I feel that the walkout represents something important. Because of how easy people are able to access guns, it is causing world wide deaths and shootings around the world. Not only this, but it is not taking away the hunting guns so people who hunt for sport won’t be affected.

  • I like that our school participated in the walkout, I think it was a great way to respect those who lost their lives in such a cruel way. However, I do not exactly support more gun control.

  • I feel that unless you know what it is about and what it is supporting, you shouldn’t have participated. I feel everyone should be able to shoot a gun if you are old enough and that every kid who has access to a gun should be closely monitored at all time. Lastly I feel that it should have been open to only the high schoolers (9th-12th) because there were some middle schoolers that couldn’t take it seriously and just wanted to get out of class.

  • I feel like the leftists opinions are being forced on me and I do not support it. What happened was tragic, but I do not want gun limits put on me.

(Leftist- the liberal, socialist, or radial section of a political party or system)

Question #2- Should assault rifles be banned?

  • Yes, assault rifles should be banned because they are not used for hunting and serve no purpose in everyday living.

  • I don't believe that they should be banned but I do believe that the process to get them should be made harder.

  • Yes.

  • No, but people should have to be able to pass a background check in order to purchase one.

Question #3- Should gun laws be raised?

  • Yes, it is so easy to pass a background check that frankly it’s disturbing.

  • I don’t think they should be. You don’t need gun control, you need people control. If an angry person wants to go and shoot a place up, they will find a way. They won’t let a gun get in their way of doing what they want.

  • I feel that gun laws should not be raised. I say this because because people use guns not only to hunt, but also to shoot for fun. So, people who shoot guns like this -especially around here- would be highly affected taking away a hobby that they enjoy doing. This would also make it so you have to wait until you are 21 years of age to purchase a gun and I don't support that since not everybody is misusing them.

  • If you can pass a background check I think that you should be able to purchase a gun. Also I believe that the age that somebody can be able to purchase a gun should be able to buy a gun is at the least 14 years of age.

Question #4- Should teachers be able to carry on campus?

  • No, it is not safe and it just makes it easier for somebody who wants access to a gun to get it. If you bring them into the school what is stopping somebody to take it and open fire.

  • I think it could be a good idea, but only for the people in the school that are trusted the most. If an intruder gets in, the teachers would not only be prepared, but also able to save many peoples lives. The thing is they would obviously have to be trained and they would have to purchase their own firearm. No offense, but you there is also always that one kid that is ready to get into the guns so they would have to be put in something really secure yet accessible for the teachers that way nothing bad would happen.

  • I don’t think that teachers should be able to carry because some people you just can’t trust these days.

  • Definitely a yes!

Question #5- Should anyone be able to purchase a gun?

  • No! No! No! They should be at least 21 and go through a very thorough background check/mental stability check first of all. Along with this if they have any hate crimes held against them they should not be able to purchase a gun AT ALL!

  • No, only people that are at least 18 years old and don’t have any mental disorders that could affect how they think.

  • Yes, I think anyone should be able to purchase a gun, and if they are not yet an adult they should be supervised or accompanied by a parent or guardian when purchasing.

  • No, only the people that can pass a background check and are between the ages 14-15.

Question #6- Do you think that the walkouts will be taken seriously and cause a change in the future?

  • I honestly don't know, but I do know that the people are going to start talking and when they start talking they will feel heard. This is also going to make more people aware of what's going on in the world and in our schools in this day and age and that is never a bad thing.

  • Maybe, I think the schools may start taking more precautions and care with violence and guns, but honestly I think that the senator/president is going to push everything to the side and not even think twice about it.

  • No, I don’t think that they are going to take us serious because we are just kids in high school in middle school.

  • No, I feel that they are not going to cause a change.

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