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Teacher Spotlight: An Interview With KP!

Emily Hixson

I had the opportunity to talk to Mrs. Pontius (KP), the top teacher in the nation, and AG teacher! Read on to learn more about one of Greenwood’s best.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

I live on a dairy farm with my husband, Jake. I love baseball, my favorite team is the World Champion Atlanta Braves. I also enjoy going to see Broadway musicals.

What’s your favorite movie?

Favorite movie...yikes, I love movies. I guess Forrest Gump.

What’s your favorite TV show?

I can’t choose one!

Who’s your favorite musical artist?

I love so much music, but the last time I saw Garth Brooks, I knew every word of the entire concert, so I guess I'll have to pick him :)

What is your favorite part of the job?

DEFINITELY the students! I know that every day, I'm getting to play a very small role in the amazing things that all of my students will do for the rest of their lives. It's truly humbling to think of all of the students who are in front of me each day and the potential that each of the future's hold....BEST.JOB.EVER!!!!!!!!

What is one thing you want the students at Greenwood to know?

Don't limit yourself because you are afraid of either win or you learn! Work hard, take chances, try new things. There is a whole, big world out there, waiting for you...go get it!

Thank you to KP for her time! If there are any teachers you would like me to interview, message The Paw Print over on our Instagram page!

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