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Welcome Mr. Moyer!


If you’ve spent any time down in the ag hallway recently, you will have undoubtedly met our new student teacher, Mr. Moyer. Mr. Nathan Moyer will be teaching Plant Science, Small Engines, Fish and Wildlife, Food Science, Vet Science, and FFA leadership during his time at Greenwood. Let’s learn a bit about our new student teacher.

Mr. Moyer graduated from Selinsgrove High School in 2018 and served as the 2018-2019 State FFA President. He is an avid hunter and outdoorsman who loves everything in nature. In fact, he owns five snakes and a bearded dragon. His Burmese python, Bernie, plans to make a guest appearance in the ag room in the near future. Mr. Moyer is a current senior at Penn State University and will be graduating in May with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Agricultural and Extension Education after his experience here.

Mr. Moyer has spent a lot of time with our chapter outside of his classes. He joined our school on our trip to the National FFA Convention back in November of 2021. During this trip, he helped our chapter out and became one of the lucky few to have heard my horse joke. He actually journeyed with a few members of the Conduct of Chapter Meetings team on their early trip back home for sporting events (see my November article if you would like more information on the CCM team). As mentioned before, he also joined our chapter at Midwinter Convention in January. Mr. Moyer has been helping out a bit with coaching our chapter’s new Parliamentary Procedure team and has helped KP and Mr. Clark out immensely in the classroom.

I asked our chapter president and vice president, as well as our advisors, for any advice on navigating our crazy chapter, or words of encouragement they would like to give Mr. Moyer, and here is what they said:

“Welcome to Greenwood! We are so excited to have you here student teaching. I wish you the best of luck here at Greenwood, and I look forward to fun times with you as the year goes on.” -Andrea

“Welcome to the Greenwood family! We appreciate your contribution to our program and for the teachable moments that we get to experience with you. Stay focused, work hard, and make an impact, not just an impression.” -Mr. Clark

“Welcome to Greenwood! We are excited to have you join us and watch you grow as a teacher and individual. We love our FFAmily here at Greenwood and we hope that you enjoy it as well!” -KP

“Mr. Moyer gets students engaged in-class activities and understands how students like to learn and uses these techniques to the best of his abilities.” -Jay

We are happy to have Mr. Moyer this year and are excited to see what he can bring to the chapter!

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