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What To Expect Freshman Year

Writer's picture: Emily SwannEmily Swann

With the new school year rolling around, people start wondering what the new year will be like, freshmen especially.  New freshmen have a lot of worries and expectations for the new school year, so I interviewed them to find out some specific fears/goals they may have.  Then, to find out what freshman year was really like, I asked the people who have already went through it a.k.a the sophomores. Finally, I interviewed a senior who graduated last year, Laura Sheaffer, about her expectations throughout high school, and how they matched up with reality.

Freshman Interviews-

What are you most excited for this year?

Amanda Sheaffer- Definitely sports, I’m really excited for cheer and field hockey because we’ll be in high school.

Nevin Brofee- I am excited for my new classes since I was able to choose them.

Aydan Smith- Probably seeing my friends again.

What are you least excited for this year?

Ellie Hoffman- I am least excited to wake up early, or get homework.

Gregory Donato- Having homework again. I’ve gotten so used to doing nothing, so it will be a pain to have it again.

Amanda Sheaffer- Drama and Keystones.

Are there any specific goals you hope to complete this year?

Grant Sheffer- I want to make a cool and rad yearbook page so dank when people look at it their eyes will explode.

Alixana Moreland- One goal I have is to get straight A’s all year.

Do you expect your classmates to have changed over the summer? If so, how?

Gregory Donato- No, I don’t.  I still keep in touch will a lot of my classmates over the summer and nobody has changed.

Nevin Brofee- I expect, or at least hope, that some of my classmates that were not acting their age "grew up" a little and learned how to act maturely.

Ellie Hoffman- I hope that the boys have matured some, and just appearance.  Like most people get taller or start caring about their appearance more.

How do you think teachers’ expectations will change? How do you think you will respond to the change?

Alixana Moreland- They will expect us to work harder, and I will work as hard as I can.

Megan Peters-  I think teachers will expect maturity.  I think I will respond well, and be mature as needed.

Do you think your peers expectations of you will change?

Aydan Smith- I doubt it because everyone still thinks the same of each other since they last saw them, so I’d assume expectations will at least be similar.

Do you think you will change? If so, how?

Megan Peters- Yeah, who I hang out with and study with will change.

Alixana Moreland- I think I might change to understand others more.

What expectations do you have for this year?

Gregory Donato- I expect it to be much harder than last year. More homework, more challenging tests, all that sort of stuff.

Grant Sheffer- It’s gonna be like any other year.

Does entering high school make you think about your future decisions?

Ellie Hoffman- Yes, because now I have to think about how my grades now will affect my ability to get into a good college.

Grant Sheffer- What kind of question is that

A question that makes you think.


No it doesn't make you think, or no is the answer to the question?


How do you think your overall high school experience will be?

Amanda Sheaffer- I think it will honestly be amazing and not scary.  I’ve already been in the high school so I don’t have to worry about getting lost.  I’m excited for all the opportunities we’re going to have and the doors that they will open.

Nevin Brofee- I feel like it may be very similar to middle school, and it will help me prepare for college.

Sophomore Interviews-

What were you most excited for freshman year? Was it as good as you thought it would be?

Alli Crockett-  I was most excited for being in high school.  And yes, I made a lot of new friends with upperclassmen .

Hannah Watson- I was excited about being in high school.  And yeah, I met a lot of new people. Not what I was expecting, but better.

What were you least excited for freshman year? Was it as bad as you thought it would be?

Alli- I was least excited for being with older grades in my classes.  It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, it was actually amazing. I got along with all of them and made good friends.

Hannah- I was least excited for being with seniors in classes and other the upperclassmen. NO WAY was it bad! I met a lot of senior friends and it’s really hard to see them go.

Did your classmates change over the summer? If so, how?

Alli- This summer I found out who my real/close friends are.

Hannah-  I wouldn’t say from 8-9, but this summer definitely changed quite a bit.

Did your teachers’ expectations change? How did you respond to it?

Alli- They’re not as touchy with homework and they let more things by.  I was fine with it and, I had less stress. Hannah-  I don’t think they really changed too much. If anything I think they are less strict.

Did you change? If so, how?

Alli- Yeah, I know more of what I want and the people I want to be around. Hannah- Over this year I would definitely say I changed and learned who I was a little more then when I was in middle school.  

Did your expectations of the year match up with reality?

Alli- No, when I was younger I thought it would be like high school musical and it’s not. Hannah- Going into high school I really didn’t know what to expect. This year was definitely better than what I was expecting and one of the best I’ve had.  

Overall, how was freshman year?

Alli- It was pretty good, besides all the regular drama people went through I really enjoyed it.

Hannah- I think ninth grade was my favorite year so far. It’s not nearly as bad as you think it would be and I had a lot of fun and met a LOT of new people.

Graduated Senior- Laura Sheaffer

Did you have any expectations of high school, freshman year in particular?

I really didn’t have any expectations for high school! I was just super excited to play sports at the high school level and have different options for classes.

Did you or your classmates change throughout high school? What about freshman year?

Obviously through high school you grow as a student, but you also really learn a lot about yourself and your friends. Your “friend group” will also most likely change since everyone is maturing and learning who your friends are.

Did you teachers expectations of you change throughout high school? If so, how?

Their expectations for all of us became higher as we matured and entered higher grades. Just the basic stuff really- getting homework done, putting in effort, being a good student.

Is there something missing from Greenwood that you wish you had during high school?

Honestly I don’t think so! I loved my time at Greenwood and wouldn’t change it at all. I wish I would’ve known sooner how fast time flies!

Do you have any advice for new freshmen or any students in general?

Don’t take time for granted! The four years go so quick and you don’t even notice until it’s your last week of school. Also, high school is what you make of it! Have as much fun as you can with your friends & make tons of memories.

Did you enjoy high school?

Absolutely! I’m so excited to move on to college but I loved high school and the memories I made!

Disclaimer: Some answers have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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